Friday, August 23, 2013

No Longer Waiting

I've kind of always been under the belief that I'd eventually get to the place where I started to feel like a grownup. Like a responsible wife and mother. Like a professional. Like a mature Christian. Like a, whatever. But, so far I just still feel like me. Like me, doing all those all other things.

It's totally that way with mission work. I keep waiting for a dove to descend, or a booming voice from heaven, or to be given a life-changing vision. (Don't laugh. That stuff happens, you know. It's in the Bible!) But, like usual, those aren't the ways that God spoke to us about mission work. He's much more subtle than that.

Our confirmation came through well-timed phone calls and emails, open doors that we expected to find shut. Encouragement spoken lovingly by those around us. Answers to prayers. Bible verses that spoke directly to our hearts, needs, and fears.

You know - the usual ways.

It's funny that we expect (wait for? hope to have? want?) that giant voice from the sky kind of experience. I mean, being a Christian is all about a relationship with Christ. There's no other relationship where I want someone from on high to burst into my life and blurt instructions, and then leave again. That's not a relationship. That's the punchline to a joke.

No, Jesus wants to have our ears (and our hearts) every moment of every day. I guess I've finally figured out that by choosing to listen to His still, small voice and leading (and not waiting for the clouds to open every time I am looking for direction) means I no longer have to wait to start walking in His commands, and being His hands and feet to those around me, either.

I'd say that works out better for everyone.


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