Saturday, December 14, 2013

I am Not Happy!

I don’t try to be upset with my wife. We only fight every couple of months.  But, sometimes there are just things that are too frustrating to keep silent about.

I mean, how dare she? Does she know hard this is on me?  All the time we’ve spent together, and she does this to me.  It's like our 14 years of marriage were all for nothing.  It is almost more than I can bear.

I am sure by now you have guessed it.  Andrea is going to Guatemala without me in February.

Let’s just break this down:

The first week in February (which feels like the longest month of the year in Iowa), Andrea will be leaving sub-zero tempatures for mid 70’s everyday.  The horror.

She will be traveling with our church.  So, she will be in great company, learning even deeper truths about the Lord from seasoned Christians, and getting to hang out with Pastor Paul - one of the most fun people I have ever been around.  Like I don’t want to be around awesome people or something!

She will be helping at the school, the women’s shelter, and maybe even the college - blessing people's lives not just with her faith and her love, but also her works. Helping in such small ways that will change lives for eternity.  Did I mention this will all be without me?

She is going to get to travel around with the people we will be working with once we move to Guatemala.  Learning more about what we'll do when we get there, getting to know the city, seeing apartments, finding  out about local regulations we will have to follow.  (Okay, the last one on the list doesn’t sound great.)

She is going to get visit local Xela-area churches again.  To see people with nothing, but who are so happy just to know their Lord and Savior.  She will get to encourage and get hugs and share love with awesome brothers and sisters in Christ.  I just can’t believe she would do this to me.

She gets to fly around on airplanes, going through Atlanta and into Guatemala City. There is nothing more exciting than that!

She tries to tell me that I could go, but then the whole vacation time thing comes up. (I wonder if she planned our prior vacations out just so I wouldn't have enough days left, and she would have to go instead of me.)  She tries to say she doesn’t even know how much vacation time I have. Boy, she just has all the excuses...

If you would like to contribute to Andrea’s acts of selfishness against me, you can give online at World Outreach Ministries (select 'Farrier' from the pulldown menu), or learn more about our ministry by visiting our website at

If, that is, you think you can live with yourself for helping bring dischord to an other-wise happy marriage.


  1. I'm glad to hear that it's not because she will be leaving you with the whole household to care for - whew ;)

  2. He's got it rough, but not THAT rough. :)
