Friday, December 13, 2013

Why Not Stay Here?

So, here's a question we get a lot:

Why are you guys going to Guatemala?  mean, there are lots of people here who need help.
         who need more money...
                    who need more food...
                             who need more love...
                                                                                                               Who need more Jesus.

It's a thoughtful question, really, and I appreciate that people are asking it, because it means they recognize the needs here in the U.S. In their states. In their communities. In their own neighborhoods. And, if God has opened up their eyes to recognize the needs, then they're supposed to be part of the solution.

Don't believe me? It says so in the Good Book.

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.   -- Prov. 19:17

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.  -- Gal. 6:2

Give to the one who begs from you, and do no refuse one who would borrow from you.  -- Mt. 5:42

Whoever opresses a poor man insults his maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors Him.  -- Prov. 14:31

Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifice is pleasing to God.  -- Heb. 13:16

But if anyone has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and in truth. -- 1 John 3:17-18

(Seriously - I could go on like this all day. The admonition to care for those in need around us is in there. A lot.)

According to a study done in 2010 by the Pew Charitable trust, there are approximately 250 million self-identified Christians in our country. (Yes. I know. If you self-identify as a space alien it doesn't necesarily make you one of those either.)

But, let's just say, for the sake of argument, that even 1/4 of those people who say they're Christians really got a hold of Jesus, and let Jesus get a hold of them. What would happen if they decided to start living out the scriptures I just listed above? That's  62 1/2 million people - or a smidge over 20% of our nation's population.

What that means - conservatively -  is that even if only a quarter of the people who call themselves Christians in the U.S. decided to reach out and help just 4 people each, then everyone in our country could have the chance to hear about Jesus, and experience His love through human vessels.

The church in the United States could - quite literally - care for all the widows and orphans. Feed all those who are hungry. Help all those in need. Reach all of those who are unreached. And, it wouldn't really take that much or that many of them to do it, either.

That's not the case in Guatemala.

So, honestly, the very question that people think will make us reconsider going, is the one that reaffirms that we're supposed to do so. There are enough people here who see the need, and have what it takes to meet it. Our job is to go to Guatemala.

We're doing our best to help our 4 people each before we go. (More than that, really.) You guys do the same, and tell your friends.

Once word gets out just how much of a difference we can make for Christ, this nation should be in pretty good shape in no time.


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