Sunday, May 25, 2014

Six Weeks

Exactly six weeks from today we will close the door on this house for the last time, and venture off into the unknown.

(Ok technically we'll venture off in a Jeep Liberty on a three-week journey to familiar places visiting family and friends. But, THEN we'll be in the unknown.)

Some days it feels like six weeks is forever, and it's hard not to wish the time away since we're so excited to get to Guatemala. Some days, though, six weeks feels like no time at all, and I can hardly stand how quickly it's all happening. 

This in-between time is strange. And, honestly, a little hard. 

I mean - I know I need to clean out my kitchen cupboards and get rid of, well, everything. But, when should I do that? Ditto the bathroom vanity. And the blanket chest in the living room. And, and, and...

We've done a ton of sorting in the past six months, and really have narrowed things down significantly. Our motto during that time was, "If I won't use it between now and when we leave, and/or I'm not taking taking it with me, I'm getting rid of it."

The trouble is, I don't really have a sense of what we'll use in the next six weeks. (Or even exactly what we'll have room to take with us.) Yes, technically we can go without most of the things now. But, do we want to feel like we're camping in our own home for the next 42 days when we don't have to?

Of course, I also don't want to wait until the last  minute and be scrambling to re-home a whole bunch of stuff on the last day that we're here, when we're packing up and dealing with the dozens of last-minute things that are sure to pop up.

<sigh> It's a bit of a circular problem, I guess, but I know God will continue to guide us day by day and help us make these decisions wisely. 

So, here's to six weeks left - a strange milestone, but a good one nonetheless.

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