"The moment you are converted to Jesus, you are sent out into mission. You’re either a missionary or a mission field. There is no third option."
I've really been mulling this quote from J.D. Greer over ever since I saw it on a friend's Facebook post. I sincerely believe it to be true, though it's a hard one for Christians to reconcile in our own thinking and to live out in our daily lives. I suppose it's easier to think in softer terms, like "being a light," or "being the salt." But, the fact is, while those things are true, their very softness implies a neutrality of sorts, as if simply living our Christian lives without any intentionality toward missions is enough.
Somehow I think we forget that Jesus said, "GO into all the world and PREACH the gospel... (Mark 16:15)." Notice - He didn't say, "Just BE."
Yes, we are called to BE Christians and Christ-like. Yes, we are called to BE believers, and faithful, and sanctified, and righteous, and light, and salt, and, and, and... But, 'be' is a verb that shows a state of existence. It's not an action verb, like GO and PREACH. I propose that BEING all of those things is very, very imporant, but they're important for us. They're important for our relationship with Jesus. They're important for our eternities. Unfortunately, they're not necessarily going to help anyone else, though.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that our faithful lives and fervent love for Jesus aren't important examples that can draw people to us, set us apart, and showcase us as different. In fact, they should be. They must be! If our lives aren't different enough from everyone else's that it's obvious that our citizenship is somewhere other than here on planet Earth, we seriously need to consider how we're walking out our faith. But just BEING different isn't enough. What are we going to DO about it?
What happens when people notice the light and love that is within us because of Jesus? What happens when someone asks you why you don't swear, or drink, or wear immodest clothes, or go clubbing, or do drugs, or sleep around, or a myriad of other choices we make because of our commitment to Christ?
What happens then?
Are we bold enough to "go there?" Are we bold enough to enter into the conversation, not with pointed judgement, but with genuine, gentle, loving conviction? Are we willing to GO, like Jesus said?
Are we ready, at any moment, to tell ohers about our faith, and who we have faith in, and why we know it's the only way? Are we equipped and willing to share the gospel message that changed our lives and eternities so that others' lives and eternities can be changed as well? We we willing to PREACH, like Jesus said?
I get it... not everyone is called to be a pastor of a church. Not everyone is called to move overseas in order to spread the gospel. But, everyone is called to be a missionary, and your mission field is right where you are. It's at your job. It's at your school. It's in your neighbhorhood. It's in your church. It's in your family.
Look - Jesus died on the cross for YOU, dear friend, because He loves YOU. But, He also died on the cross for everyone else, because He loves them too. It is God's desire that not a single person should perish and live in an eternity separated from Him (2 Peter 3:9). Getting to Heaven is easy, through Jesus. Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
But how can anyone call on the name of someone they don't believe in?
And how can they believe in someone they've not heard of?
And how can they hear without someone PREACHING it to them?
Romans 10:14
That's us, friends. You and me. That's who we are. That's what it means to be missionaries. So, I sincerely hope you are living a life in Christ that draws people to you. But, more than that, I sincerely hope you're telling every single person that God brings your way about Christ, and the reason your life and eternity are different because of Him.
From one missionary to another - keep on keepin' on for Jesus.