Thursday, October 30, 2014

I Am Healed

I believe in healing.  

 There - I said it. 

I do not believe it is ever the will of God for his children to be sick. Of course, this doesn't mean that I know why some people don't get healed, or that everyone I pray for gets healed. I don't really want to get into the details of this belief in this blog - maybe in another one.  This is just a statement of faith post, with personal stories.

There are two things I have learned  since my Mom passed away. 1.) God is good, all the time, all the time, all the time. Never does God do evil.  2.) God does not want his children sick and never causes sickness. 

If you want to blame someone for your sickness, let me give you what Jesus said in scripture: The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10, NKJV. (The thief is the Devil, by the way, if anyone was wondering.)

But, this is not a post where I discuss proofs, so let us get to the stories.  I have three personal stories to show that healing has happened in my life.  These all happened to me. They are not third party accounts.

1st Story - Dental Pain - I think dental pain is the worst of all the pain, and I have had a lot of it (almost all because I didn't take care of my teeth like I should have.)  I had a filling done, and when they were drilling I bit down onto the drill.  (Once you get  that image out of your head we will go on.)  What I was left with was a filling right next to the root, leaving my mouth extremely sensitive to temperature changes.  The reason I say temperature changes is because even drinking room temperature water hurt.  

I built up my faith ,and then prayed over that tooth to no longer be sensitive.  I went to the dentist and he X-rayed it during my normal check-up. He told me that since it had been more than eighteen months, it would always be sensitive and the the only way to fix it was a root canal.  When he told me this, I chuckled and thanked the Lord for my healing.  Two months after that appointment I was drinking some refrigerated pop and forgot to drink only on the left side of my mouth. This would have normally dropped me to my knees in pain, but the only sensation I was left with was the good taste of root beer. It has now been ten months since I drank that pop, and ever since I have put ice in my drinks and love my drinks cold.  The Lord healed my tooth.

2nd Story - Fear of Heights and Flying -God does not only heal physically, but also mentally and emotionally.  I used to have a horrible fear of heights, and especially of flying.  One day I got a chance to go to Guatemala and be used by God, but I had to fly. I had flown before, but it had always bothered me, and it was getting worse.  The Devil will always take ground when you are living in fear. 

I worked up the courage and flew to Guatemala. It was horrible.  When it was time to go back I was terrified to even get on the plane, but how else was I going to see my girls back home? The first leg of our flight was the worst I had ever been on. The plane would not stop shaking and hitting air bubbles.  Though it may seem funny now, I actually considered jumping out of the plane. I felt death would have been better.  We finally landed, and our group prayed for me. They knew how scared I was.  I really wanted to rent a car and drive back from Atlanta to Omaha, but I also really wanted to see my girls. 

So, I took a leap of faith and got on the plane.  Andrea and I sat with someone who had knowledge and experience with how to walk out the process of asking for and receiving healings.  We prayed, and by the time we took off I felt better. I thought it was a great flight, in fact. Everyone else in our group thought it was the worst we had been on.  Since then I have climbed ladders and done things that would have been impossible before.  I still do not enjoy heights, but when I have to do them, I can.  I was healed of my fear of heights.

3rd Story - Stomach Problems - In Guatemala it is considered normal to have stomach issues.  In September I had horrible stomach pains that lasted almost two weeks. It felt like someone was grabbing my stomach and twisting. It was very painful and I lost at least five pounds during this time.  In mid October I started to have the same issue again.  I prayed over my stomach, had faith, and trusted God. The first day was just as bad as it had been before. The next morning started out the same.  Then, by lunch, my stomach only hurt a little, and by dinner I was feeling fine.  I actually felt so well that I forgot I had been sick.  Luckily, the Holy Spirit brought it to my mind and I remembered to thank the Lord, otherwise I would have gone on forgetting to thank him because the healing was so complete!  I was healed from stomach problems.

I know as people read this they may be able to poke holes in the stories.  I don't really care.  I know what I went through.  I have seen greater miracles than these with my own eyes - people having chronic pain go away, diseases disappearing, and other such things.  But these happened to me, so I know and can testify personally that they were real. I know these things for sure: God heals, and God is good all the time!

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