Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I think I've covered the fact that we don't have a whole lot of room in our Jeep for the drive to Guatemala. Essentially (aside from a few odds and ends), each person is allowed to take one backpack (stored under their feet), one space bag (stored in the cartop carrier), and one duffel bag (stored in the cargo area of the Jeep). 

None of these bags are very big.  
Our duffel bags, for example, will only hold five outfits each.  Five outfits!

That means we'll be living with the same five outfits for around four weeks.
Wear. Wash. Repeat... for a month.

(Don't expect to see a whole lot of variety in our trip pictures. Just sayin'.)

It's hard to decide whether I should take my favorite outfits (and risk absolutely hating them by the time we arrive), or take my least favorite outfits (and risk absolutely hating them the whole time we're on the road.)  

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Probably, it will come down to whatever's the last thing out of the dryer before we take off. Maybe not the best way to make the choices, but it works. 

What about you - what five outfits would YOU take to wear for the next month?


  1. Jen Hatmaker did a great chapter in her book "7" about clothes. She could only wear 7 items of clothing for a month and at the end, she hated them all, but the big takeaway was that no one noticed. Outside her regular circle, who knew what going on, no one knew that she had a limited wardrobe. I think that really says something about how much others really do (or don't) care about our clothes and style.
    Happy packing! A

    1. Oooh - I like this! My best friend has pointed me to Jen Hatmaker's stuff a lot, too. What a great experiment, and a REALLY good reminder for me. I appreciate it. :)
